Me: ummm.... Me: oops sorry wrong window Me: heh.. whippy:
hehe whippy: Um? What um? WHAT!! whippy: *grabs Dani and shakes* whippy:
NO last minute ums! Me: ACK! whippy: *sobs* Me: *is scared* Me:
Fuz: uh, i have a PM ;-) Me: I wonder who that could be from? Me:
*innocent eyes* Fuz: *clicks* Fuz: *surprised gasp*
Me: I LOVE jelly bellys Me: they're my favourite candy Me: Hmmmm...
*cocks head at supposed "booger"-flavoured one* Scott: I, unfortunatly, haven't had much candy in awhile...not
since I raided my brothers halloween candy anways Me: *wrinkles nose at the colour* Me:
aww poor you Scott: mmm halloweens coming up though! Me: eek dont even say that! Me:
to have hallowe'en means to be back in... the dreaded "S" Me: *cowers* Me: *sticks
booger flavoured one in mouth* Me: uhhh.... Me: right... Me: ick... Me:
*spits it out* Scott: awww "s", bwuahaha I no longer know thee
Me: well... yours is now "U" Me: YICK that was horrible
Sidenote: "S" is equal to school, "U" is University
Me: *poke* Me: *runs* Me: didnt do it Laura:
herro! Laura: get back here, you! Me: *whistles non-chalantley*
Laura: *yanks Dani by shirttail* Me: *runs on the spot* Me:
yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Laura: hehehehehehe
Scott: sooo whats your guitars name?
Scott: and don't say arthur unless it really is :-P Scott: hah...hah...*raises eyebrow* Me: actually,
i hadnt named it Scott: *gasp*! Me: ok, it has a name now Me:
Scott: what is it then? Me: Arthur Me: :-P Scott:
phew...alright if thats its official name then all is well Me: hehe Scott: I can't
believe you had an inanimate object lacking a name...whew...scared me there for a minute...
Me: YIPE *jumps out of seat* Me: Snape came on... lol.. someone signed off and it scared the crap out of me
lol Fuz: rotfl! Fuz: Hehe. my aim has Chandler going: Ding-dong, the psycho's gone!"
Chel: bwack Hearty: that's a good point, chel Hearty:
BWACK Fuz: i did the P first. Wolle: Bwackbwack! Fuz: it didn't
work, did it? Chel: bwack Chel: bwack Hearty: bwack
Discussing a picture of Scott
Me: *giggle* its you! *points* Me: with blonde
hair... Me: wow Me: lol Scott: haha I take it the pictures arrived Me:
oh yeah... i forgot about them thats all Scott: is that a good laugh or a mocking me laugh? *raises eyebrow* Me:
hmmm... a little from coloumn A, a little from column B...
Me: But really, you look so different... i mean, even without the blonde you'd look different
Me: you're face looks different Me: or maybe thats cuz of that whacky grin... :-P Scott:
*looks at face in mirror*....that grin did come out odd...*shrug* I was either talking or laughing, one of the two Me:
lol Scott: or getting hit over the head with an invisible pole...either way... Me:
LOL! Me: yeah it looks kind of like a painful smile lol!!
Me: *giggle* Me: *looks at Harry Potter post* Me:
oooooooh pictures... Me: ooooh fred Me: or Me: george Me:
Me: ergh itchy bcak Me: er Me:
back even Lucy: *scratches Dani's back* Me: ooooh thanks... *happy sigh& Me:
** Lucy: lol Me: *sneeze* Me: oy Lucy: bless
you! Me: *pokes ma in tickly spot* Me: ta Lucy: *giggle* Me:
hehe Me: *pokes ma again* Lucy: *giggle* again Me: hehe... Me: i
love making you giggle Lucy: hehe Me: *bounces around*
sheesh... can you tell I was hyper that day?